
Below you will find answers to frequently asked questions regarding graduate admission.


If you are locked out of your account due to multiple attempts or you forgot your password, 点击“忘记密码”?"应用程序登录页面上的链接以重置您的密码.

No. We will order your transcript and waive the fee for you; this typically takes one business week to be added to your file.

In order to apply to more than one program you will need to submit an application for each program in which you are interested. Since you have shown such great interest in the 立博体育官网 you will only have to pay the application fee for one application. 电子邮件 gradstudy@哈特福德.edu to let us know that you have made two applications so that we know it was not done in error, 我们将免除你的申请费.

另外, since requirements for each program are different please note that when applying to multiple programs you will need to meet all the requirements listed for each program to which you are applying. Any documents that are transferable from application to application will be transferred; but letters of recommendations and letters of intent need to be directed to the program to which you are applying.



我们也接受官方的电子成绩单. 如果你以前的大学机构提供电子成绩单服务, 与邮寄相比,您通常可以节省时间. 如果您要求电子成绩单,请使用学校代码3436.

请注意,立博体育官网不接受非官方成绩单. The transcript must be sent directly from your prior college institution to 立博体育官网 in a sealed envelope or through an official electronic source, 比如国家清算所, E-Script, 或羊皮纸.

在某些情况下, graduate transfer credit can be awarded to accepted or conditionally accepted graduate students. 完成 毕业生转学分表格 to petition the transfer of graduate level credits from another college/university to the 立博体育官网. Any forms must be completed by the end of your first matriculated semester; forms submitted after the deadline may result in denied transfer credit. 未能获得批准可能导致无法获得转学分.

只有在项目要求的情况下,你才需要提交GRE/GMAT成绩. 并非所有的研究生学位课程都要求GRE/GMAT成绩. 参观 学习计划 你有兴趣了解更多的细节.

如果您的文件太大而无法上传,您可以直接通过电子邮件发送给我们 gradstudy@哈特福德.edu. 在你的邮件里, 一定要表明你的名字, 申请参考编号, 你提交文件的申请要求是什么. 如果文件太大,无法通过电子邮件发送, we recommend that you provide us access to your file through a secure file link (i.e. google drive或Dropbox).

你可以not make changes to your application once your application has been submitted, 但是,您可以通过应用程序门户网站添加补充文档 go.哈特福德.edu/status. 使用创建应用程序时使用的电子邮件和密码登录.

电子邮件 gradstudy@哈特福德.edu 请求对应用程序进行更改. 请在邮件中注明您的姓名和申请编号.

You will be prompted to pay your application fee by credit card in the application portal after you submit your application. 用支票或汇票支付, please complete our 研究生 Application Fee Form and mail the form and payment to our office using the following address:
您可以通过登录申请门户网站查看您的在线状态 go.哈特福德.edu/status. 使用您在申请时使用的电子邮件地址和密码. 或者,您可以发送电子邮件到 gradstudy@哈特福德.edu 请求应用程序更新. Please include your name and 申请参考编号 in the subject of your email.
大多数程序将在10个工作日内作出决定, 然而,一些项目会在规定的截止日期前接受申请, 在那之后再做决定. 你可以联系 gradstudy@哈特福德.edu or the program director for information about the program to which you are applying.


请访问 新研究生迎新活动 部分,以确定您的下一步. Here you will also find our easy-to-follow domestic and international graduate students checklists to help you get started.

所有被录取的学生必须支付300美元不可退还的学费押金. 当你支付学费押金时,你就保留了你在这个项目中的名额. 你可以 在这里交学费押金.

The 立博体育官网 has several new housing options for graduate students, 包括最近对现有房屋的翻新, 未来还计划翻新额外的空间. 你可以在我们的网站上了解更多立博体育官网研究生住宿的立博网站中文版 研究生经历 网页. Many of our graduate students also live off campus in the surrounding communities of West Hartford, 布卢姆菲尔德和哈特福德. 在进入大学后, you will have the opportunity to connect with future classmates via a 脸谱网 group which many of our students find helpful during their housing search process.

The registration process varies depending on the graduate program you are enrolled in. You should refer to your acceptance letter or contact a representative from your program for assistance with registration.

出勤成本取决于许多不同的变量. 入学费用不取决于居住的州. 请浏览我们的 学费和杂费 部分为详细的成本立博网站中文版.


所有研究生水平申请者, excluding Master of Science in Computer Science and master's level engineering program applicants, who are non-native speakers of the English language are required to submit scores from one of the following English-proficiency tests. 被认为以英语为母语的国家可以 在这里找到.

  • 托福考试: minimum of 80 (Internet-based test – iBT), and 550 (Paper-based test – PBT Total)
  • PTE:最低58分
  • 雅思考试:最低6分.5整体
  • Duolingo:总分最低110分

Master of Science in Computer Science and master's level engineering program applicants who are non-native speakers of the English language are required to submit scores from one of the following English-proficiency tests. 被认为以英语为母语的国家可以 在这里找到.

你可以 qualify for the English Proficiency Waiver if you fit one of the following two categories:

  • 您是一名母语为英语的国际申请人.
  • You are an 国际 applicant holding a bachelor’s or master's degree from a country where the native language is English. 
如果你认为你符合这些标准之一,请发邮件 gradstudy@哈特福德.edu. 
你可以 qualify for the English Proficiency Waiver if you fit one of the following two categories: 
  • 您是一名母语为英语的国际申请人 (视图定义).
  • You are an 国际 applicant holding a bachelor’s or master's degree from a country where the native language is English. 

如果你认为你符合这些标准之一,请发邮件 gradstudy@哈特福德.edu.


以英语为母语的国家的公民, and those who have earned a bachelor’s or master’s degree from a majority native English-speaking country, 他们的英语水平测试要求会被豁免吗. The University considers majority native English-speaking countries to include the following: 

  • 安提瓜和巴布达
  • 爱尔兰
  • 澳大利亚
  • 牙买加
  • 巴哈马群岛
  • 新西兰
  • 巴巴多斯
  • St. 基茨和尼维斯
  • 伯利兹
  • St. 露西娅
  • 加拿大
  • St. 文森特和格林纳丁斯
  • 多米尼加
  • 特立尼达和多巴哥
  • 格林纳达
  • 联合王国
  • 圭亚那
  • 美利坚合众国
需要美国签证的国际学生.S. Student Visa (F-1) sponsored by the 立博体育官网 are required to have all materials submitted to the 研究生入学s office prior to our official deadlines to ensure proper I-20 processing time.

我们只对有限数量的项目提供学费奖学金. 电邮至 gradstudy@哈特福德.edu to find out if we offer scholarships for the program in which you are interested.

Financial aid for international graduate students is currently available as 研究生 Assistantships. These assistantships are administered by the individual departments throughout the University and vary in size and availability.

所有外国成绩单必须由一个评估 全国证书评估服务协会 (NACES)成员,例如 韦斯, IEE, or SpanTran. 如果成绩单是用英文写的, 仍然需要对每门课程进行评估, 因为评分制度因国家而异. 

今天就开始你的犹他大学之旅. 迈出下一步.